Hi Everyone, my name is Shane.

I guess if we are going to be spending some quality blog time together you might want to know a bit about the guy behind the screen. Lets start with the boring stuff, I am a man, mostly (gender politics is something I think about a lot), in my 30’s, I ride bicycles, I love science, politics, art, technology, am overly logical, and have very little patience for religion.

I have done my fair share of dating, and been involved in a lot of different kinds of relationships. I wouldn’t say I am kinky, but I am not vanilla either. I would like to consider myself open minded, and will try most anything once (or twice, its important to have a good sample size). Human relationships fascinate me, and I tend to approach them from a scientific point of view. I am highly political and would qualify myself as a proud (but cynical) liberal.

Overall I tend to be interested in the science of sex, the politics of sex, gender, and the many different ways people choose to form human relationships. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog posts, and feel free to contact me with any questions.