You know I really didn’t like “Princess Diaries”, but after seeing “Love and Other Drugs” and this, I am really starting to like Anne Hathaway.

With Rick Santorum once again “surging” (headline writers have to understand the pun they are making right…right?!) it looks like the republicans are going to, once again, drag out the old culture war shit. If you can’t win on the strength of your ideas,

I am so tired of bigoted homophobes making any of the following idiotic statements:

“My imaginary friend says two boys can’t get married”
“Two girls getting hitched will ruin my marriage”
“My imaginary friend wrote a book, it says two boys kissing is wrong”

Its even worse when they start saying things like this:

“We should make it illegal for two adults who love each other to get tax breaks for getting married because they both happen to be boys”
“Two girls who love each other can’t visit each other in the hospital even if one is dying”
“Two boys who love each other can’t adopt a baby that no one (including other people in our church) wants”

If you ask them WHY any of the previous statements should be true, they refer you to the first three. So basically the republicans have no good reason why gay people shouldn’t have all the rights as straight people. Not a single logical reason, not a single legal reasons, not a single good reason. They are simply bigots, pure and simple. In much the same way that we see racism as patently stupid, we will see homophobia one day. These people are going to go down as the villains of history. If only they could see this now, it would solve us all a lot of trouble.