Okay this shit is getting really fucking ridiculous. I keep having these waves of anger about politics that make me forget we are talking about rape for a minute.

I really don’t usually listen to the “regular” news, like the ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN sorta news. Mostly I just read the paper. But I fascinated by the politicking in the Todd Akin rape conversation. I went so far as to listen to Hannity interview him.

So yeah, all those major republicans from Romney to Ashcroft to asked him to get out of the race. It’s fascinating that he is hella set on running, saying that the people voted for him and they want him, so he’s going to stick to it and run. If he loses, republicans may not have control of the senate. Which is exactly why they want to distance themselves. They don’t actually believe anything different, they just need to win that seat so they have control.

But the thing is, it’s kind of brilliant that he said it. It’s like one of those brief glimpses into the true psyche of someone who thinks we still live in the 1950’s. It doesn’t matter that he’s since apologized and said that he was in fact medically incorrect when he said a legitimate rape wouldn’t produce a baby. He slipped and said something that people actually think. I kind of love when that happens. Better we know now than when he already was in office. Terrifying, but fascinating. And now all those dudes who totally secretly agree with him, at least in some way are having to denounce what he said.

But just yesterday, the Republican party drafted a platform that includes anti-abortion legislation so strict that exceptions would not be made in the case of rape or incest.

So yeah, the republicans have to distance themselves from him because there has been such a backlash regarding what he said. You know it’s real bad when even Rush Limbaugh says it’s stupid. But it’s all about the politics of it. They just want that seat. They don’t care a hoot about actually protecting a mother who would have the trauma of carrying a baby born out of a rape. A baby is a baby is a baby, and they think that baby should just get born.

To make you feel a little less horrible about the hoopla this week, there is feminist obabma and a beautiful song on how to know it’s legit rape. Okay and here is a clip of true emotion from Biden earlier this year on rape.

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Just like when Obama said “rape is rape” and I felt it was real and good to hear, I really like what Biden says here.

I don’t care that he’s a dude and he’s “in charge” or any of that shit. He actually gets that you can’t just go around saying there are levels of rape. One rape isn’t worse or more rape than another rape. It’s just all around fucked up. Hopefully this will help us understand that.