Did you know teenagers like to have sex, seems that most of America is in denial, thankfully there are still places in the world where sanity reigns.

kittensmetmittens from Reddit offers more context


As you can see now in /r/TIL there is a post pretty high up that is interesting, especially for me. This is the post: http://www.newsy.com/videos/study-dutch-romantic-sleepovers-prevents-teen-pregnancy/

The reason this is interesting for because, you may have guessed it, I’m a Dutch young woman myself. I watched the video and was left confused. This is not how it’s normally done in the rest of the world?

story time, you can skip this if you want

I have an awesome mom (also an awesome dad, but we don’t talk about this subject together), she went to the doctor with me to get me birth control pills. They have been covered in our health care plan for a long time, I’ve been on them for 3 years now. And then I met my boyfriend about 2,5 years ago. My mother was very happy for me as to see me happy with a very nice guy. I remember when she asked ”Well.. did you kiss him yet?” and giggled like a school girl when I said yes. He was allowed to sleep over at my place (lived at home) immediately after it was official, we already knew eachother 2 months. She let me go sleep at his place (he didn’t live at home) after about a month. I lost my virginity that night at the age of 16 after some weeks of teasing and trying out. I’m now 19 and moving in with the same loving boyfriend. All is good.

I asked my mother a few weeks ago. ”You were pretty loose on that subject with me, how come?”. She told me about my uncle, her brother. He had been seeing a girl which is now my aunt. He was in his twenties but lived at home. He was allowed to see her in daytime but was not allowed to sleep over, since they weren’t married yet. My mother asked her mother, my late-grandmother, why? My grandmother got pissed and said ”you know damn well why!”. My mother says she was slapped across the face when she pointed out they could just do it in daytime. She was not allowed to talk about it anymore.

end of story time

This was 40 years ago. This was the mindset of people in the 1970’s, when there was still a blanket of christianity over the Netherlands. When people still stuck their heads in the sand about the fact that teenagers pretty damn horny and need to know how to control/release those urges. My mother told me she promised herself that moment she would never be as blind to it as my grandmother was. That’s why she let me go.

How come parents think that if they don’t talk about sex and just preach abstinence all will be fine. They were young themselves once, have they forgotten? Do they not now if the more you tell teenagers not to do something, the more they will. Do they not want their teenagers to be protected from pregnancy and STD’s, to be in a safe environment? Of course I’m not a parent, but isn’t the most important thing for your child to be safe?

I am very shocked to see that apparently this is still the mindset in Modern America. I thought this was a pretty normal way of dealing with 16-year old me. Ladies of TwoX, is it really as bad as it seems so be?