Rep. Lisa Brown made me so happy today when I heard she’ll be performing The Vagina Monologues today on the steps of the capital with Eve Ensler.

The general lack of use of the word vagina always blows my mind. People. It’s a body part. For realsies. You are going to discuss and debate abortions on the floor of congress and not say the word vagina?

When I was a day care teacher it always took me by surprise how much penis is said when compared to how little vagina is said. All the kids learn the word penis. Boys have a penis. Dads have a penis. Look at that kids penis. I have a penis. I am learning to pee with my penis. The parents say penis. The teachers say penis. Everyone is talking lots about penises. Especially when toilet training. Girls have not a penis. It’s like why are we indoctrinating them to think this way. So early! When we could be really impacting them, so young. Boys have a penis. Girls do not have a penis. This is NOT how we should be presenting it to kids.

Back to the point. SAY VAGINA. Say it in abortion debates. Say it to kids learning about their bodies. Say it on the steps of the fucking capital. Yeeeeah!