I spend most of my time getting riled up about gender, sexuality and feminism. When I’m not thinking about or writing about sex, I’m doing it.  Maybe it’s the other way around. if I’m not doing it, I’m writing or thinking about it. Needless to say, sex, sexuality, and sex education are all very important to me. I’ve had phases of my life where I’ve been passionate about things besides sex, but it remains the one constant. Sex can be simultaneously highly political and highly personal.  Given that, most things can be examined through a sexual lens.

Through my experiences, both good and bad, I’ve come to the conclusion that talking about sex and sexuality is of the utmost importance to me. And short of getting a job at a sex toy shop, blogging is my next best outlet.

So hopefully this blog will introduce you and me both to the always new and always changing thoughts on the matter at hand, as well as challenge everyone’s long ingrained thought patterns. I’m very open minded but won’t take any shit.  So let’s do this. enjoy!